Drug busts!
February 26, 2004
Two Simpson freshmen were charged with public intoxication andpossession of marijuana in the Barker Hall parking lot Mondaynight.
David DeBaun, 19, was charged with public intoxication. DeBaun’sblood alcohol content was .107, 1.34 times the legal limit. ChrisLee, 19, was charged with possession of marijuana and possession ofdrug paraphernalia, according to the Indianola Police Departmentcertificates of probable cause.
Indianola Police Officer Dan Defenbaugh received informationfrom an unidentified citizen that the two men were smokingmarijuana. According to the certificate of probable cause, thecitizen told Defenbaugh that DeBaun and Lee planned on drivingaround Indianola while smoking.
Around 11 p.m. Monday night, Defenbaugh approached the men asthey were exiting their vehicle and walking towards Barker Hall.Defenbaugh reported that both subjects appeared intoxicated.
Lee pulled out a marijuana pipe with a small amount of a burntgreen plant substance that had an odor of marijuana when Defenbaughasked who had it, according to the certificate of probablecause.
DeBaun was given a portable breathalyzer test.
Director of Simpson Security Chris Frerichs declined to commentat this time.