Theme House selection announced
February 19, 2004
The theme houses have been selected for next year, and Simpson’scampus will be host to two all new theme houses, the rest arecontinuations.
“We’ve really raised the standard in theme houses over the pastyears,” said Laurie Dienburg-Hoppe, assistant director of residencelife.
Hoppe acknowledges this fact when it comes to the new andinteresting themes.
“We’re trying to represent the female athletes on campus,” saidfreshman Amy LeBlanc, house manager for “Title IX” house.
Title IX house is made up of 16 female athletes and will fill upboth theme houses five and six. The women athletes of this houseare involved soccer and softball. Their main focus will beorganizing a soccer camp for children and other community servicesthat deal with young kids, said LeBlanc. By sponsoring this houseLeBlanc wants to show the Simpson community that athletes can do alot of other things and are interested in helping out the communityin a way that utilizes their talents as female athletes.
The other all-new theme house on campus will fill what iscurrently the PAC house, or theme house nine. PAC will not have atheme house next year.
SHAGNAT, Students Having A Good Non-Alcoholic Time, will takePAC’s place on Simpson’s campus. SHAGNAT will be a house of tenstudents originating from Picken, according to freshman SarahBigley, SHAGNAT house manager for the up-coming year.
The residents of SHAGNAT will volunteer with local high schoolSADD chapters. SHAGNAT will focus on students at the high schoollevel, but are open to the idea of working with students at Simpsonas well.
“We thought that this would really be something different,” saidBigley.
This year many freshmen turned in applications and receivedhouses. According to Hoppe, all the groups were very good thisyear, despite the seemingly low interest in theme houses. Manyapplications were handed out, but few were returned.
“There are usually a pretty diverse range of applications,” saidHoppe.
Houses that re-apply must do so early in January, they follow adifferent application process. Re-applying houses go though anevaluation of their activity throughout the year, especiallyfocusing on the amount of service hours house members have loggedand any type of disciplinary issues that may have arose throughoutthe year, said Hoppe.
Five houses will be continuing themes from past years including:Women’s Issues Awareness House, Carver House, Performing ArtsHouse, Soul House (formerly Sol House) and The Basketball House(formerly The Athletes for Others House).