February 5, 2004
WebCT is making a place on campus
WebCT is everywhere. On the Simpson campus last fall, only 26classes were registered online, and this fall the total was 46.More professors are turning to computer-based forms of teachingclass, bringing the college into a new phase of technology.
Students seem to think it’s about time Simpson has advancedteaching formats and learning techniques through technology theschool has found and can now utilize.
Not only is WebCT allowing students to do things such as takingquizzes, tests, doing surveys or assignments online, many classesare utilizing the class discussion as well. Being able to voiceopinions outside of class seems like a great advantage.
Students are required to post their views on the page whileothers can then read over and comment on each other’s work. It’s agreat way to involve the whole class in a discussion-basedmanor.
Professors think it’s great being able to change the syllabus orassignments online, but students are required to check the sitedaily for changes or professor comments. Is it too much hassle?
Some students are overwhelmed when more than one class is basedon a WebCT format. Having to post numerous weekly discussions andcheck daily for e-mails and changes to class by assignments or duedates, the computer screen starts to look a little blurry by theend of each week.
The WebCT formatting is a great step towards getting the schoolahead of the game. Simpson professors still need to take the timeto realize that if they all took on this change during the samesemester, students would be burned out and not pay attention to thepoint of WebCT, increased class interaction.
Kappa Theta Psi is moving out
Kappa Theta Psi claims that the recent decision for thefraternity to relocate and have its former building used forfirst-year housing is what’s best for the fraternity, citingrecruitment, finances, a need for more housing options, and adislike of their former house as reasons for the move.
I guess the biggest question that arises is whether or not themove is what’s really best for the fraternity or whats best forSimpson College. Simpson hopes to use the new space for first-yearhousing, because of course as everyone knows there is limited spaceon campus almost everywhere anymore due to the largeenrollment.
A large enrollment is a great thing for Simpson, but not whenthere just isn’t enough space for everyone. This problem goes waybeyond just parking when the college is using a building such asthe Kappa Theta Psi house to accomodate freshmen.
If Kappa Theta Psi is 100 percent satisfied with their move,then we are happy for them. It will, definitely set them apart,maybe not in such a positive way as they want though. Keep in mindSimpson is benefiting from this move, but is the Greek Community?Isn’t that what’s most important in this situation?