Help for finals at Hawley
March 25, 2004
Finals are approaching and many students have sought help fromHawley for papers and tutoring sessions.
Hawley is located on the third floor of Dunn Library. Thissemester, 62 tutors are on the Hawley staff and, thus far, 124students have requested a tutor.
“I think Hawley is an excellent resource on this campus thatsometimes goes underutilized,” said Dan Saar, a junior and awriting undergraduate. “Most people just have to realize that it isa center that all students can really benefit from.”
According to Todd Little, director of Hawley, there are tutorspermanently on staff for math, Spanish, biology, and writingthroughout the semester. If a student requests a tutor in anothersubject, Hawley refers to a list of students recommended byprofessors.
“We will do our best to accommodate any student who makes arequest,” said Little.
Many students also visit Hawley for guidance with theirpapers.
“I have used Hawley for almost every English paper,” said onefirst-year student. “The tutors catch grammatical errors and helpme with my organization.”
The undergraduate assistants have regular office hours eachweek, while other tutors are available by request.
“We can definitely tell when midterms and finals are approachingbecause we start getting booked pretty quickly,” said Saar.
During dead week and finals week, hours do not extend but tutorswill still be there if needed.
“Ideally the student should make an appointment a few daysbefore the paper is due,” said Little. “It is possible to walk in,but more appropriate to call ahead.”
According to another first-year student, ” I have gone to Hawleywith nothing more than a rough draft and I returned later that weekfor more help.”
Little agrees that if a student is having trouble with a paperthey should go ahead and visit Hawley a second or third time ifneeded.
The semester is ending and Little suggests students act quicklywhen needing assistance.
“Don’t wait until the last minute. Depending on the request, itcan take a couple of days to arrange the sessions,” said Little.”The tutoring sessions are not meant to replace regular, dailystudy time.”