Women find Curves appealing
April 7, 2004
Curves for Women is quickly becoming the nation’s leadingfitness chain. According to Entrepreneur Magazine’s 24th AnnualFranchise Survey (published January 2003), Curves is the fastestgrowing club of any kind.
With over 7,000 gyms in nine different countries, thiswomens-only gym is just what females need to start a healthy weightloss and fitness regime.
Curves philosophies lie in simplistic fundamentals.
Their workout format is different from traditional long andgrueling sweat sessions. Instead, the plan includes going to aCurves gym three times a week and then doing a combination of lightcardio and weight lifting for 30 minutes. What makes this workoutso unique is the type of strength training they provide.
While most gyms have weight stacks or plates to add resistanceto any workout, at Curves, the weight machines are hydraulic,meaning the more effort you put into weight training, the moreresistance you will get out of the machine.
Just like a water workout, the faster you move, the moreresistance you get, said Indianola Curves manager Cami Eslick.
“You don’t have to adjust anything but your speed to get a moreintense workout,” said Eslick. “After a 30 second session, there isa recovery board where women do jogging, marching, or walking inplace for another 30 seconds and then go back to strengthtraining.”
Outside of the gym, women are encouraged to supplement theirfitness routine with light cardio, like walking, jogging or bikeriding everyday.
In combination with the physical aspects of the program, dietaryclasses are also offered to members.
“We have a Curves Diet, and that is completely optional for ourmembers. We have five or six classes right now and they eitherfocus on low-carb or low-calorie diets. Women can just do it ontheir own or come to meetings every week,” said Eslick.
Women of all ages reap the benefits of Curves, said Eslick.
Ladies from 14 to 82 participate locally, and the numbers varyeven more across the country. Curves is also becoming a popularoption for college students.
“We have a plan for students that will run them $99 for fourmonths. Then they have the option to renew, of course. There areall age groups here and it’s nice to see the younger ones mixed inwith the older ladies,” said Eslick.
The inviting atmosphere of Curves contributes to its appeal formany women.
Class participants work out in a large circle and can chat asmuch or as little as they want.
“Sometimes, I think this is more of a social hour than any thingelse, but the exercises are designed so that women can talk easilywhile working out. Since it’s only women here, that makes it verynice,” said Eslick.
Without intimidation, over one million women have jumped on theCurves bandwagon. With reputability and success, this is one gymthat is leaving it’s mark on the fitness world.
The Indianola Curves gym is located on Highway 92, by The SportsPage.
For more information, contact manager Cami Eslick at 961-9122 orvisit the Curves Web site, curvesinternational.com.