May Term brings many intramurals, activities
April 7, 2004
May Term always has a lot to offer students when it comes toclasses and has been a popular time of year for students to beinvolved with intramural activities.
“Our numbers are so large that it is hard to get everything donein three weeks,” said Nicole Darling, assistant director of studentactivities and director of Intramurals. “We do stuff every singleday during May Term.”
Darling expects more of the same this year.
“We will have probably around 400 students participate,” saidDarling.
Students will have a lot of activities to choose from.
Jamball, coed sand volleyball and coed softball will all startApril 26 and run through May 6. Sign-up for these three activitiesis from April 7-21.
Jamball is 3-on-3 basketball with a lowered basketball hoop tobetween eight and nine feet with the majority of the points beingscored on jams.
Coed softball and coed sand volleyball are also very populartournaments during May Term. Coed sand volleyball is generally asix-person game where the majority of players having to bewomen.
The same goes for coed softball. Darling said that there aregenerally between 12 and 15 players on a team and teams have toplay with an equal amount of men and women, plus one woman.
The always-popular mud volleyball tournament will be held on May1. Darling said that students usually play with six people, butlike coed softball and sand volleyball, teams have to have morewomen than men.
One of the events held off-campus is the 4-person best-shot golftournament on May 8. This year the tournament will be held atCountryside Golf Course in Norwalk and will cost each student$15.
Prizes for the tournament are donated items such as money orgift cards. Teams win prizes for finishing in the top three or forwinning contests such as long drive or closest to the hole.
“We had the tournament at Deer Run last year,” said Darling. “Weare trying to find a place that is inexpensive for intramurals andfor the students.”
Besides the best-shot competition, students can enjoy discountedgolf offered on May 11 at Deer Run Golf Course.
The team obstacle course tournament will be held near theintramural football fields and is a new tournament this year. Theteams will consist of five people and the primary goal is to be thefastest team to finish the course.
The team bocce ball tournament is another new event this yearthat will be held May 10.
Bocce ball is played in teams and points are received forthrowing the ball closest to the guide ball. Whatever team has themost points at the end wins.
The bags tournament will be held on May 12. Bags is a bean-baggame where participants throw the bean bags and acquire points bygetting the bean bags into the hole or on the board.
May 13 brings the fishing tournament and the croquet tournament.The fishing tournament will be held at Lake Aquabi, just south ofIndianola. Prizes for this tournament are determined by catchingthe biggest fish in a certain amount of time.