Gas prices finally putting on brakes
September 22, 2004
Although gas prices have been coming down, many people stillbemoan the pump prices that until recently have been some of thehighest in history.
“I don’t like them, they’re too high” adult student GeoffreyRuiru said.
The current national average for regualr unleaded gasoline is$1.83, according to American Automobile Association’s Daily FuelGauge Report. This average is lower than it was a month ago, butstill higher than the national average from last September.
The average gas price of stations close to Simpson College is$1.72. So, students who buy gas in Indianola pay nearly nine centsless than the average student in the United States.
Iowa’s average gas price is $1.76, so Simpson students even payless than other Iowan students.
Still, some commuters say they are unable to attend events andactivities at Simpson due to the high gas prices.
Ruiru is one student who is affected by the increments in gasprices because he must drive to attend classes and other events atSimpson.
Ruiru drives a Chevy Tahoe, but now wishes he would have made amore fuel-efficient choice.
“[When I bought it,] I didn’t care,” Ruiru said. “Now I wish Ihad a four cylinder.”
The lowest price of the stations surveyed in Indianola wasMurphy’s Gas Station located at the Wal-Mart Super Center with aprice of $1.67.
The Conoco and Kum & Go stations on Jefferson Way were thegas stations with the highest price found. Their gas cost $1.73