Our View
September 23, 2004
Simpson ranks above its competition when it comes to freshmanretention rates. But according to the figures released in lastweek’s Simpsonian, about one in five freshmen don’t come back fortheir sophomore year.
Faculty and staff seem to be pleased with an 81 percentretention rate. However, on the academic grading scale that’s onlya B, maybe even a B-.
Something has gone awry. The problem may lie in extensiveLiberal Arts Seminar rules that have now become mandate, or it maylie in the suitcases that so many students take home every weekend.Simpson encourages students to strive for their best, but somewherethe best of intentions wind up in a retention rate that is onlyslightly above average.
The admissions staff is doing more than their part inoverstocking campus with new blood. The halls are bursting at theseams and classrooms are at their limit. But only 81 percent ofthose new faces will enjoy their “sophomore slump” at Simpson.
Somewhere along the way, the ball is being dropped. Simpsonbabies its babies, but by your second year here, you’re old news.There are no programs aimed specifically at keeping sophomoreshere.
Simpson should follow the example of Beloit College andinstitute a program that keeps sophomores involved in thecommunity. When it comes to enrollment, the aim should be for arecord student body rather than a record freshman class.