Seven deadly sins… of freshmen
September 22, 2004
Forget Dante, forget Brad Pitt. Simpson College has a whole newclass of sinners. Yes, by now, the first year students have had alittle time to open their eyes to the ways of campus, a little timeto familiarize themselves with the seven deadly sins offreshmen.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that your first semesterin college is spent ogling members of the opposite gender. However,what does seem to take some brain cells is the act of shacking.Shacking, to the less informed, is when you unexpectedly stay atsomeone’s dorm and the next morning, after mumbled phrases of,”I’ll call you later,” you do the “Walk of Shame” – that power walkto your own humble abode, head down and face red.
Michelle Cross, campus nurse, commented on the need forresponsibility.
“Students need to be smart about their choices and useprotection – no matter if they are a freshman or senior, it startswith being smart,” she said.
Your laptop begs you to type, but rather, you exercise yourfingers with a little Play Station. My friends, this is not the wayto the dean’s list.
“Students can really have a hard time adjusting to collegelife,” said Craig Peck, student counselor. “Many times, theacademic workload is more than they expect, or college life ingeneral is much more rigorous than it seems. Eventually, thingsbalance out, but it takes time and patience.”
Bottom line: Do your homework, they weren’t joking when theysaid it would affect your grade.
All-you-can-eat waffles, pizza in three combinations and thebest dessert bar this side of the Mississippi call to you fromPfeiffer Dining Hall.
Blair Stairs, General Manager of Sodexho Services, has noticedthe popularity of the buffet style dining room.
“We are seeing a lot of people eat a lot of food. Once thepounds start coming on, they might cut back, but for now, there isa lot of very healthy eating going on,” Stairs said.
Eat in moderation at Pfeiffer – your body will thank you foryears and years to come.
If you haven’t noticed by now, your roommate isn’t always yourbest friend. However, it’s in your best interest to have a peacefuldorm room. Holding grudges and getting upset over little thingsnever contribute to a friendship.
“You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate, justcohabitate with them,” said senior Jenna Leistad, Station SquareCommunity Assistant.
With this is mind, open and honest communication is always thebest way to go.
You might have been in the top ten percent of your class in highschool, but now you’re at college and things are a littledifferent. If you don����t know how to study for a test or howto write a paper, ask for help. The Hawley Academic Resource Centerand The Career and Counseling Center staff are more than willing toset you on the right track.
“We see freshman who are having trouble setting aside that timefor preparation, reading and studying that every class requires,”said Michelle Yeoman, Assistant Director at Hawley Resource Center.”You should be spending three hours on homework to every one hourof class time.”
Becoming involved is great, but there is point where enough isenough. Don’t be the kid that has so many activities, you forgetwhy you are really here – education.
“It’s always a challenge to find a balance between gettinginvolved and becoming overwhelmed with too many activities.Prioritizing is important,” said Nicole Darling, Director ofIntramurals.
Chose your activities wisely, many involve time commitments,financial obligations and travel.
At times, it seems you’ll never get through the freshmen ritesof passage – those juniors and seniors, even some sophomores, haveit figured out. Don’t be jealous, you’ll get there too. Rememberthat at one point, everyone was a freshman who had to take someform of Western Civilization. The Zoo Bar is a mere three yearsaway friend, your day will come, I promise.