PRSSA gets primed for NYC

by Laura Dillavou

Few students get the chance to visit New York for aschool-related project. Even fewer students get to rub elbows withDonald Trump. For four students in the Public Relations StudentSociety of America, their hard work has paid off since they will bedoing both next week.

Advisor Susanne Gubanc has been in charge of the group for twoyears. She said during that time new ideas were introduced and newgoals were made.

“My role is to encourage new things to do and support theirideas,” Gubanc said. “They take what I have to say intoconsideration, but ultimately, their decisions are up to them.”

According to Gubanc, PRSSA is a key organization for anycommunications major. The group does public relations for campusactivities, anything from posters and flyers to ads in TheSimpsonian.

“We will go to a meeting with the customer, they tell us whatthey want and then we work to give them that result,” Gubanc said.”Some of our recent projects are a car wash, the Homecoming shirtsand then May Term shirts.”

Student involvement is key to PRSSA. While the group has only 14members, they make up for it in talent and dedication.

Senior Kelly Sanders is in her third year of involvement withPRSSA. A corporate communications major, Sanders is also thegroup’s president.

“We are becoming a more established group on campus with morestructure and organization,” Sanders said. “It’s fun to be part ofa group that is always coming up with new ideas. We’re always doingsomething interesting.”

Sanders, along with junior Tony Warnke, sophomore Anne Kruse andsophomore Emily Salberry, will travel to New York City on Thursday,Oct. 21. They will have the opportunity to meet professionals inPRSA, mingle with potential employers and listen to presentationsvital to their occupation. Of course, the chance to hear keynotespeaker Donald Trump doesn’t hurt, either.

“We are so excited to be going,” Sanders said. “It’s just goingto be awesome.”

Any student thinking of a future in management, business,communications or public relations is welcome to attend PRSSA. Theexperience is key for students looking to get ahead in the jobmarket, Gubanc said.

“This is a valuable organization for anyone, really,” Gubancsaid. “It is much more than PR; it’s all aspects of professionalcommunications. It has a wide appeal to many people.”