Hitting the road: Athletes deal with life on the bus
October 6, 2004
College can be stressful; it’s hard to argue with that. Tryingto pass classes, juggling a part-time job, it can all be too muchfor most people.
Then there are collegiate athletes, who spend their timestudying and working on the field or court.
“It’s like your going seven days a week non-stop,” junior CarrieBrannen said, who is a member of the Simpson tennis team. “Mostpeople go to class a couple hours a day, we have eight hour days;it’s very time consuming.”
Athletes are always on the go. Whether it is practice or tryingto stay in shape, these people are some of the most dedicatedindividuals you will find. It gets even more challenging for themwhen you add traveling into the equation.
Simpson athletes travel all over the country and due to theseextended trips out of the state, Simpson athletes can findthemselves missing several days of class.
“It can be a little stressful, trying to play catch up in yourclasses because of days you missed,” senior Scott Roth said, asoccer player.
Many athletes can find themselves under pressure, trying to getcaught up in class.
“The best thing to do is try and get assignments fromclassmates, along with notes,” Roth said.
Traveling can be fun for the athletes because it gives them achance to see some new things and places.
“I’ve been sight seeing in the mountains in Colorado and havebeen to Venice Beach,” Roth said.
Site-seeing may be enjoyable, but when athletes are forced tostay overnight, they are put into a precarious situation.
“We have to act in a respectable manner, because we arerepresenting Simpson College and our team when we are on the road,”Roth said.
For most people traveling can become tiring.
“It’s not a problem; not as long as we get to where we areplaying early enough, as long as we don’t have to get off the busand play,” Roth said.