Flu vaccine shortage hits for some Simpson students
November 4, 2004
Waiting in line for a flu shot with concerned looks on facesseems to be latest fad for many Americans..
“I was a little concerned about getting [a flu shot,] but ifthey were in stock, I knew I would be OK,” junior Jess Bowensaid.
Bowen was diagnosed with diabetes in 1993, and has beenreceiving flu shots for as long as she can remember.
“I got a shot at the Warren County Administration Buildingbefore fall break,” Bowen said. “I had to present some form ofproof that I was diabetic before I could receive a shot.”
This year, the flu shots that are available are beingdistributed only to those at high risk.
“I have had a flu shot clinic for students every year for thepast five years,” campus nurse Michelle Cross said. “We usuallyvaccinate close to 100 students for the flu.
Some of the people who can get flu shots is are people over theage of 65, children between the ages of six months and two yearsand those suffering from long-term illnesses.
However, people who are in frequent contact with high-riskcitizens should also get flu shots. Freshman Jennifer Wooddidn’t.
“I work as a [Certified Nurses Aid] and I was denied a shot,”Wood said. “I work with a lot of people, and the risk of spreadingthe flu is scary.”
Freshman Janet Kinman, who has a 2-year-old daughter namedAllison, had to get a shot for her daughter at a different placethan she usually does.
“Her pediatrician was out of shots so we had to go to Medicapand get it,” Kinman said.
People suffering of asthma, allergies and diabetes are also onthe list of high-risk people who need to receive a flu shot.
Approximately 10 to 20 percent of U.S. residents get the flueach year, and an average of 114,000 are hospitalized forflu-related complications.