Simpson Greeks to participate in Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk
February 28, 2007
Doesn’t it feel good to do something that goes toward a good cause? Well, now you have the opportunity. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a non-profit organization, will be sponsoring a walk to help find the cure for diabetes.
On March 3 in downtown Des Moines, many organizations and groups will be walking to help the cause. There is a set course on the skywalk that links much of downtown.
People who want to help and participate in the walk can sign up online and register for a team or make a donation for other teams or give to the organization.
For those who want to take part in helping to find the cure for diabetes, there will be tables set up in BSC and the teams will be selling paper shoes for around a dollar. For those who can’t make it to the BSC and may live off campus, Hy-Vee, Walgreens and other stores around town are areas where you can donate.
All of the Greek organizations on campus are planning to attend this event. This is the third year for Simpson to be a part of it, and the goal is to raise $2,000.
“We plan on walking this year like we have in the past,” sophomore Ben Miller, a member of ATO said. “If we can’t walk, then our members will send out letters to alumni asking them to make a donation.”
“I’m a diabetic, so I really want people to help,” senior Cassie Huff said. “I just want to help bring about awareness of diabetes, and we are getting closer to the cure, so every little bit will help.”
Huff is a member of Pi Beta Phi and is supported by her sorority sisters. In fact, there were 20 Pi Phi members that walked in this event last year. Currently there are 13 members on the Greek teams, and more are expected to join.
“Pi Phi feels it’s important to us to help Cassie,” junior Casie Schmitt said. “If helping her means doing the walk, then that’s what we’re going to do.