FlipSide Face

February 14, 2007
Paul Craven, instructor of computer science, has a long history at Simpson. Craven graduated from Simpson and went to high school in Indianola. He got his masters from Missouri Rolla and then went on to work in software development for 15 years before coming to Simpson to teach.
Craven teaches computer science and project management courses. He’s currently working on his Ph.D. through the University of Idaho. While working in software development, five of those years were also devoted to working at Wells Fargo.
“Wells Fargo is a good job,” Craven said. “It paid especially well, had a good working environment and had good benefits, which, as you get older, is more important.”
Even though he enjoyed his time at Wells Fargo, teaching has been something Craven always wanted to do.
When he isn’t teaching at Simpson he likes do various activities by himself and with his 8-year-old daughter. Craven likes to support local bands. One band he likes to watch is FTD, which consists of four current Simpson students and one former Simpson student. He also likes to go hot air ballooning and storm chasing in his spare time.
Craven built his own hot air balloon, which took around 350 hours to make. He made it from 60-inch wide pieces of cloth, and the only thing that was already done was the basket, which had been used on an older balloon.
Craven storm chases, when the weather is right, by following storms and tornadoes and taking pictures of them.
“Once you’ve got enough education, you know how to maneuver yourself around the storms,” Craven said.
When not hot air ballooning or chasing storms, Craven likes to do calmer activities with his daughter. He enjoys taking his daughter to Hopper Gym and Cowles Field House and hitting the weight room and pool.