Some departments require majors to go ‘above and beyond’
April 10, 2007
Being a senior is an exhilarating, yet very scary experience for most. Seniors are glad they’re graduating and don’t have to experience the 6 percent increase in tuition, but they’re terrified of leaving the safety of college and finding a real job.
Before they receive that diploma, seniors have a long list of requirements to finish for each major. Some majors require more outside work than others.
“I am an art major with an emphasis in graphic design,” senior Katie Nelson said. “All art majors have to work on a big project first semester, and then second semester the projects are displayed in Farnham Galleries for the senior showcase.”
Every student will have different projects and requirements from their department in order to graduate. The Criminal Justice Department requires field experience and a seminar class in order to graduate.
“Everyone has to do an internship,” said Fred Jones, professor of sociology and criminal justice. “The students are placed in an area that is in their job interest field.”
The Communications Studies Department has just recently implemented a new program required of graduating seniors.
“We have a number of goals in delivering the program that we deliver in communication studies,” said Brian Steffen, professor of communication studies. “We are trying to give the students good skill sets, good critical thinking skills and a professional experience. The new piece is the portfolio, which was implanted in the 2005-2007 catalogue. The reason we developed the portfolio review is our need to do a better job of assessing student learning.”
The program was created in order to get a better understanding of what the students have learned. Since the program was implemented in 2005, only students who have declared their major in the last two years have to complete the portfolio, which is approximately a third of the communication students graduating.
“The portfolio is asking students to submit work that is appropriate to their major from various stages in their college career and then asking them to write a refection on their entire career as a Simpson communication student,” Steffen said. “We want to see how they have grown intellectually, academically, professionally and personally.”
The Education Department also has many extra requirements in order to graduate.
“Both elementary and secondary education majors graduate with a double major along with endorsements,” Professor of Education Jackie Crawford said. “Everyone does an advance practicum in their field, student teaches for a full semester, completes a competency portfolio and passes the Praxis 2 exam.”
The department requirements mentioned in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s a glimpse of a few more.
Art -Sophomore portfolio -Senior art show Athletic Training -Seven hours of practicum -Must apply to be in the program & take the Athletic Training Exam Biology -Must take a standardized biology exam by ETS after completion of Bio 110 or 111 Communications Studies -Senior portfolio -Internship hours (Journalism: six hours; Speech & Rhetoric and Corporate Communications: three hours) Education -Practicum hours -Student teaching -Fulfill 11 competencies -Portfolio English -Senior project Foreign Language -At least three hours of study abroad in a country that speaks the language of study International Management -Foreign language International Relations -Foreign language Music -Participation in vocal, intrumental peformance -Auditions & attend certain number of recitals -Private lessons -Senior recital Philosophy -Senior seminar project Psychology -Practicum or advanced research Religion -Senior seminar project Sociology -Field experience Theatre -Senior show Women’s Studies (minor) -Senior project