FlipSide Face
September 18, 2007
At the beginning of his second year, Ryan Rehmeier, assistant professor of biology, is still excited about his choice to teach at Simpson.
“I have had many positive experiences with my students,” Rehmeier said. “They were really patient with me in my first year. The students are all generally enthused with things and I’m very pleased with the type of students that I have.”
Rehmeier, a Nebraska native, graduated from Trinity University in Texas with a degree in biology, and acquired his doctorate in biology from Kansas State.
Rehmeier teaches classes ranging from environmental issues to mammalogy. He enjoys Simpson’s small size and focus.
“I like the atmosphere of the private selective liberal arts school,” Rehmeier said. “I really enjoy interacting with the faculty who are interested in my success, as well as the fact that they love to teach, to interact with students and to do their own research.”
Rehmeier’s teaching style is unique and he tries to keep his students involved in his classes.
“I try to be enthusiastic and it’s not all an act,” Rehmeier said. “I take the subject and the students seriously, but not myself. I’m just a science dork and I’ve realized that long ago.”
When Rehmeier isn’t spending time in the classroom, he stresses the importance of participating in other activities.
“It’s a good way to let everything go and to remember that it’s not all about one thing,” Rehmeier said. “I think it’s important to maintain a good balance.”
One way Rehmeier maintains a good balance in his own life is by competing in triathlons.
“I have competed in 25 triathlons in the past five years,” Rehmeier said. “I bike, run and swim. It’s always good to find things that keep you sane.”
Rehmeier offers some words of advice to the students of Simpson.
“College is spectacular; it’s the time of your life,” Rehmeier said. “Make the most of your time here because it flies by. Take time to enjoy that you have the opportunity to get an education.”