Our View
November 28, 2007
May Term is a fabulous opportunity that offers students the chance to broaden their horizons and change their outlook of themselves and their community around them. It is one of Simpson’s biggest assets and is a major selling point for prospective students.
For those that are double-majoring or simply don’t have time to take “cupcake courses” for a semester, May Term is the perfect option for studying abroad. With the shorter amount of time spent overseas, one would think it would cost considerably less than a semester in London.
Au contraire, my friend. A semester abroad costs approximately the same amount as a three-week experience. Want the bang for your buck? See if you can still add those classes in Spain next semester…
That being said, Simpson has to make some important changes in order for students to fully take advantage of studying abroad. Everyone should be able to go on the trip they want, especially when they have to pay for it themselves. Simpson also needs to promote the semester programs if they really want students to maximize their experience.
This brings us to financial aid. After all, when students are expected to pay $30,000 per year, who has $5,000 left over for a jaunt to Scandinavia? Sure, financial aid helps students obtain loans, but that just leaves us looking at pictures five years from now and wondering if it was worth living off spaghettios.
With $40,000 in loans, what’s another $5,000?…or so you thought! Just wait ’til you get your loan talk your senior year–$150 a month for the next 25 years? Maybe China can wait…
True; there are classes that are offered on campus during May Term and most of them are even enjoyable, but no one wants to pass up their one opportunity to lay on the beach in Brazil, especially when the alternative is getting a sunburn in Buxton Park.