Student follows inspiration to campus
April 8, 2008
From the moment freshman Anna Holley stepped on Simpson’s campus, she knew this was the place for her. After contemplating larger universities, Holley followed her intuition and is grateful for her decision.
“I was set on a bigger college, I even sent in the deposit,” Holley said. “When I came to visit Simpson, I fell in love with the campus. There was something about the old buildings and trees. I felt I could thrive here.”
Not only was Holley inspired by Simpson’s beautiful campus, but also by school’s dedication to philanthropy. As a Wesley Service Scholar, she volunteers as much as possible. Some of her favorite places to volunteer include the Humane Society, The Village and mentoring.
On campus, Holley participates in Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, Sophia, Women’s Chorale and Simpson College Democrats. When she finds free time you can find her catching up on some rest, writing, playing tennis, hanging with friends, and maybe squeezing some time in to watch CNN.
“I’m pretty random, and I love to be around people,” Holley said. “I am very interested in politics, but I appreciate opinions from both sides of the political spectrum. I believe in the power of activism, social justice, and equality.”
Although currently without a specific major, Holley taking her time at Simpson to find what she is most passionate about.
“When I came to college, I was hoping to come across some bright, flashing arrow directing me toward the perfect path in life,” Holley said. “I have yet to find any arrows. Today–and when I say today, I literally mean today–I was thinking of getting a double major in English and Sociology with a minor in Women’s Studies.”
After college, Holley plans on attending graduate school, and continuing to search for some more directing arrows.
“I want to help others,” Holley said. “I envision a career in social justice. I would also like to chill out on a mountain somewhere writing and eating black jelly beans. Since an income is important, I should probably save my jelly bean eating for retirement.”
Holley would like to leave Simpson students some simple but insightful advice.
“Get involved, become passionate and remain open-minded,” Holley said.