Our View
April 1, 2009
The recent changes in SGA’s finance code will make things better for campus groups in the long run. More groups will be able to receive money, and financing will be fairly divided between groups.
The changes were made to give smaller groups equal access to funds at the beginning of the year. It will be beneficial for every group to be able to start their activities at the very beginning of the year.
In addition, SGA won’t have to constantly field requests for funds. Groups will know their budget in advance and will be able to plan accordingly for the year.
While it may be beneficial for large groups to write a constitution defining their group’s mission and ultimate goal, what about the group that is just starting? How will they have any idea of their impact on campus or how their group is going to be run? A little lee-way is necessary for the smaller groups.
Campus groups also were not notified of official changes until recently. With little advance notice, clubs are compiling a year’s worth of information in just a few weeks. How will a group know what they are supposed to be budgeting for if this is their first year? SGA says that the new code is supposed to allow for this, as groups may still ask for funding from the operating budget throughout the year if they show fiscal responsibility. Because they are dishing out more money in the beginning of the year, however, there will be less money left in the operating budget.
The changes are a step in the right direction for giving groups equal access to funds, no matter how big or small. We just hope SGA follows its own guidelines. After all, the group went over budget after spending around $4,000 to send its members to Washington, D.C. Is that really showing fiscal responsibility?