Student Support Services Receives Grant

September 14, 2010
Student Support Services finished up their first five year grant on Aug. 31, 2010, and after a long wait, they learned that they had received the grant once again.
Director of Student Support Services Wendy Robinson and Cindy Nisely worked long and hard for the new grant. Together they compiled a proposal using information from the Simpson College registrar’s office as well as the financial aid office. Although they had others review the proposal, Robinson and Nisely did the majority of work themselves.
The grant is a very competitive and popular one among the collegiate level. Over 1,500 colleges and universities apply for it. The Department of Education awards the grant to around 900 of those 1,500 colleges.
After submitting their proposal in December 2009, Robinson and Nisely had to wait until Aug. 9, 2010, to hear the outcome. Professionals at the Department of Education read through each submission and assigned a certain number of points to each proposal. Schools also get extra points from prior involvement with the grant.
“It was very exciting to find out we got it again because of all the work we put into the proposal,” Robinson said.
With this money, SSS is able to aid Simpson Students during their time in college. They offer simple things like school supplies, priority registration, and early move-in for some freshman SSS members. These advantages give members a head start on the semester and the school year.
“SSS let me move in early my freshman year, meet people, and learn buildings a week before classes started,” sophomore Tyler Utzka said.
SSS holds activities for their members to meet each other in a fun environment, including a welcome picnic to kick off a new school year.
“Being a transfer student, (SSS) helped me become involved in a program on campus that is flexible with my busy schedule,” junior Veronica Jones said.
One big advantage of SSS is the textbook money they are able to award to students. Over $100,000 in book scholarships have been given in the past five years. Not only is this beneficial to students it also is profitable for Simpson because students use that money to buy their books at the Simpson College bookstore.
“SSS is very helpful, especially when you receive the grant that pays for your text books,” Utzka said.
Robinson estimates that 60 percent of Simpson Students are eligible for their services, but there are currently only 164 students taking advantage of the program.