Newsweek Recognizes Simpson For Service


by Lauren Hodson

Simpson was recently nationally recognized for making a difference on campus and in the community. Ranked 24th out of 25 colleges from coast to coast, Simpson was awarded the Do-Gooder award for their hours of service.

“It’s really evident that it’s a part of the culture at Simpson,” Leadership Coordinator Bobby Nalean said.

Different measurements are used to determine the degree of service each college has to offer including scholarships based on service, how service is incorporated into classes, and the total service hours completed by students and staff.

Simpson offers students and staff a multitude of opportunities to become involved in service projects both on and off campus. Service Coordinator/Assistant Chaplain Stephanie Neve serves as a mediator for service projects and those who are interested in volunteering opportunities.

“We’re helping students to get the courage to take the initiative to do things that are not already happening,” Neve said.

Other opportunities for service are accompanied by scholarships. The United Methodist Service Scholarship is a scholarship designed for new incoming students with a financial need and experience in service and volunteering. Applicable students meet weekly required service hours and write a reflective paper in response to their service and volunteering experience.

The Wesley Scholarship is a $500 scholarship awarded to students with an interest in earning money and helping their community through service hours, regardless of academic status and financial need.

“There’s a certain amount of pride being involved in that process where you’re giving students the opportunity to build skills they can use not just when they’re volunteering later on in life, but in their jobs and they’re relationships,” Nalean said.

In partnership with the service hours, students are required to compose a reflective paper in response to their experience.

“They’re not just going out and doing service but rather on the context of the service, and importantly, reflecting on what it means to their lives and their vocation,” Nalean said.

Often, students and campus organizations are unaware of the opportunities to serve on campus and in the community. A service hub team which meets every Thursday morning, consists of advisors and students who sift through service projects and monitor service activities applicable to the campus and students.

“There are service opportunities happening all over that we are not even aware of,” Neve said.

Senior Kayla Hamilton, a Wesley Service scholar, is an active student involved in service both on and off campus including Shalom Zone Ministries, Catholic Worker House, Freedom for Youth, Whiz Kids, and Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity on campus.

Because of the service projects through Simpson, Hamilton has been able to find a passion through opportunities to share her faith.

“It’s a way for me to live out my faith in a very practical and tangible way,” Hamilton said.

Supporting the campus and community is simple just by taking advantage of the service opportunities offered at Simpson. Doing a good deed may lead to national recognition.