

by Taylor Hoffman, Staff Reporter

Aries: The next week will be one of productivity. You will experience a surge in confidence, and you may find yourself taking the lead more often. Use this energy to your advantage to find academic, financial or personal success. The process might not always be smooth, but this is the time to step out of your comfort zone and assert yourself.

Taurus: You will be hit by the urge to express your truest self this week – listen to it. You will discover many creative outlets to showcase your personality and vision. Take advantage of these opportunities when they present themselves. Sharing your energy will bring similar energy back to you.

Gemini: As a Gemini, you have a natural inclination to connect with others, and that will come in handy this week. Your ability to form relationships with others will be tested this week, and you may experience more frustration than normal. However, keep an eye out for unique opportunities and new experiences. These moments will provide clarity and leave you feeling rejuvenated.

Cancer: This week will see you feeling more motivated and confident than you have been in a while. It will be an excellent time to overcome the challenges you have been struggling with or to knock out the projects you never seem to have time for. However, this surge in confidence can also lead to reckless decisions, so choose wisely where to place your energy.

Leo: The next week will be one of letting go. Throughout this week, you will find yourself enjoying more and more moments alone. These quiet moments will provide ample space for contemplation that your normally busy schedule doesn’t always allow, and as the week advances, you will find clarity as you process difficult emotions.

Virgo: Your relationships have been suffering lately. Use the next week as a chance to reinvest energy into the people in your life. You’re a naturally talkative and expressive person, and your mood will lift once you’ve reestablished faltering relationships. However, this is also a time for a fresh start. Don’t be afraid to reach out and bring new people into your life as well.

Libra: The next week will be an ideal time for reflection and introspection. In the coming days, you will experience a surge of energy directed toward the self. It is time to begin acknowledging your own needs and indulging in some self-care. Doing so will not only bring you a sense of peace but will prepare you to handle any difficult emotions that the future brings.

Scorpio: Getting in touch with your emotions will benefit you most this week. During the next few days, you will find the power to finally put problems of the past behind you. This will allow you to open yourself up to the support systems around you. You will find security and comfort, but you might also surprise yourself by offering it to others.

Sagittarius: In general this week, you will find yourself feeling more positive and upbeat. Your enthusiasm in the weeks ahead will be sure to draw others into your circle. However, remember to take time for yourself as well. Your happiness will not always be without stress, so it is important to have moments to decompress.

Capricorn: Apply yourself with purpose this week, and you will soon see the benefits. For you, this is a time to make great academic progress early on in the semester. This week will bring organization and improvement, but you must find self-motivation to take full advantage of these things.

Aquarius: Efficiency is key this week. Throughout the week, you might find yourself faced with a sudden influx of work to do, but you will fly through those challenges quickly as long as you keep your focus. It will definitely be a time of grinding for you, but you will find yourself adapting with surprising efficiency.

Pisces: Unfortunately, the beginning of this week may start out rocky for you. Your passion and spirit for adventure may lead you down some tricky paths when it comes to romance. However, as the week progresses, your outlook improves. Don’t shy away from romantic endeavors, but directness and a cool head are advised.