Photo by Tanner Krueger
Dirlam Lounge, located in Smith Chapel, is now open for Simpson College students 24 hours a day with an ID scanner.
The ID scanner was installed two weeks ago on the door in Dirlam Lounge leading to Amy Robertson.
“It was a suggestion that came out of a conversation with security and residence life. We just agreed that it doesn’t really hinder access and that it would be a good way to make sure our space is as secure as possible since it won’t be staffed overnight,” Chaplain Mara Bailey said.
Junior Lewis Cox, Religious Life Community president, lead the effort on creating a 24-hour study space in Dirlam Lounge. He said the ID scanner was a way to add extra protection to the space and prevent members of the community from walking in late at night.
Cox also said access to Dirlam Lounge will be linked to the college’s system and has been added to a general list of buildings all students have access to. The system will also be automatic so access would begin at the same time every night.
Cox lead the project because he heard there was a need for a 24-hour space on campus for students to study.
“Being in leadership with the Religious Life Community made me realize that our space would be really ideal to open up 24/7,” he said.
Cox said there was a lot of collaboration between the Student Government Association to allocate funding for the necessary security cameras. He also met with camp security to find out when the door would be locked and unlocked for students and the IT department to set up the tech work associated with the camera.
Cox explained that since students already use the space heavily, especially during Dead Week, that prompted the installation of a key card access scanner to allow students in after hours.
Currently, the space is open between 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Friday and all day on Saturdays. Students will be required to use their ID to access Dirlam Lounge during these times.
“Students are welcome to use the space as a study space and collaborative learning space.” Cox said. “We are delighted to be able to provide a space like this that is accessible for all students at almost all times to be a welcoming and comforting place to study.”