Starting tomorrow, The Progressive Action Coalition will be showing protest films which cover a wide range of environmental and social issues around the country.
These topics range from a documentary film about the logging industry, specifically focusing on one forest to a documentary on the man who invented the technology behind the electric chair.
The films will primarily be educational, documentary films that are based on current events. The group plans to show films that will support its mission statement.
The mission of PAC is: “Providing opportunities to promote environmental justice and social justice and encourage political participation through education and direct action.”
According to junior Lisa Anderson, an active member of PAC, the group would also like to incorporate diversity issues into the sessions.
The films were purchased directly from the producer, who was on campus for a forum event last semester. A total of five videos were purchased and will be shown throughout the remainder of the current semester. A tentative schedule is set for one film to run the last Friday of each month.
The PAC meetings are held every Monday at 9 p.m. on the second floor of Carver Hall and are open to anyone interested in attending. The film showings are also open to all, whether they are a Simpson student or a member of the community.
The first film will be shown at 7 p.m. Feb. 1, in the Jordan Lecture Hall.