Thanks for all the help with Lil’ Sibs

I would like to publicly thank a few people for taking time out of their personal schedules in order to help out with Little Sibs Weekend. The weekend was a huge success and would not have been possible without the help of some very important individuals.

First, to Chrysalis Buller and Stephanie Krauth, our advisors. To Rich Ramos for his assistance with the movie and for the donations and activities that helped make the carnival a success.

The first year council consisting of Chris Erickson, Kathryn Fenneman and Andrea McNamara. The hours that these people spent on the planning and organization of this event were instrumental.

To all that helped out on Saturday morning with the carnival events and the magician: Christian Huntley, Andrea Poland, Sarah Rising, “Mr. No Name,” Holly Hendricks, Nicole Hill, Amber Dickey, Erik Jacobson, Gary Huynh, and Sara Manetter. You all should be very proud of yourselves. You helped me more than you can imagine with pulling the carnival together. Thank you so much.

To Allison Woodhouse and Brett Martin for all of your help with the carnival and for helping me clean up. Clean-up was definitely not any fun but you two stuck with me and made it go fast, and even somewhat enjoyable. Thank you.

Thank you to Macy Allen for life guarding during the swimming. I honestly cannot think of a more stressful situation than babysitting 40 young people in a swimming pool. Thank you, Macy.

Also, a big thank you goes out to anyone that helped out that I missed. Please accept my apologizes and realize that your contribution is much appreciated.

Finally, thank you to all the students here at Simpson. The weekend went without any problems and fun was had by all.

Thank you again to everybody that made Lil’ Sibs Weekend go so well.

Ryan R. Hildreth

First-Year Council Chair