Unique artwork on display


by Mallory Higgins


Simpson has whispering maples, a circle of knowledge, brick buildings and … art.

Some people criticize the art on campus, while others appreciate it.

Freshman Ashley Hopp just wishes there were more of it.

“I like the colorful artwork on campus, but I wish that there was more,” Hopp said. “There really isn’t a lot of art around campus.”

Justin Nostrala, assistant professor of art, said campus art is a good thing.

“Art helps bring a certain degree of self-reflection,” Nostrala said. “Art reflects society and what is going on; it reflects who we are at a certain time.”

Nostrala said some of the work on campus was made by Simpson students.

“The colorful blocks outside the Art Center were made by Dave Richmond’s [assistant professor of art] ‘Foundations of 3D’ design class,” Nostrala said. “There’s also a piece of work in Mary Berry that looks like a xylophone. All that work is very colorful.”

Nostrala said there was only one place on campus in dire need of artwork, but he fixed that problem by donating one of his own paintings.

“There was this blank wall in the president’s conference room that was just bare,” Nostrala said. “I actually got them to hang up one of my paintings there.”

Nostrala said there is room for more artwork on campus and wishes there was more displayed.

“I believe that we have an opportunity right now to get another major sculpture somewhere on campus,” Nostrala said. “The only problem is there is not enough money to be spent on artwork. There is not a specific budget for artwork.”

Freshman Chris Hixson agrees that the campus could use more artwork.

“I think that the campus has a good start as far as art goes, but I believe that a lot more can be done,” Hixson said. “As far as I can see, there is just some artwork outside of the buildings. Art is one of those things that’s nice to see.”

Hixson believes Simpson should take advantage its resources and display student work.

“I think that student work should be displayed not only in Mary Berry, but in every building,” Hixson said. “Anything could be displayed, such as paintings, photographs and sculptures. Art would improve the look of the campus and show student progress.”

Hopp agrees that student work should be displayed.

“Paintings, drawings and maybe some sculptures on campus would really add to the look of Simpson,” Hopp said. “And it would be great if it was student work.”