Disgusting rooms mean students have dirty minds


by Andy Goodell

I am blown away by some of the irresponsible behavior I have seen regarding cleanliness at Simpson.

Upon entering an acquaintance’s dorm room this term, I was unable to see a single square foot of the floor. There were empty food containers and dirty clothes strewn about the entire room. The stench of the place was almost unbearable.

This room did not belong to two first-year guys, but a pair of women I would never suspect live this way. They’re great people – outside of their poor cleaning abilities.

Not only did this prove to me that women are not more adept at cleaning than guys, it showed me the significant problem with maintaining hygienic living conditions at Simpson.

I would hate to see what these individuals’ bathroom would look like without the benefit of Simpson’s janitorial staff.

When I first came to college, I was equipped with the ability to maintain a neat living space. I quickly found out a lot of others were not. This is not the first repulsive dorm room I have had the displeasure of experiencing at Simpson.

It really disturbs me to know that some people can live this way comfortably.

I’m left to wonder if people like this are raised to find this behavior acceptable or if their parents clean their bedrooms when they live at home prior to enrolling here.

Either way, it really comes down to the fact that they are irresponsible and ought to clean their living space regularly.

This should be done to maintain their dignity and health.

After seeing a dorm room like this, I can understand why the nurse’s office offered Meningitis shots for students. The college obviously recognized the fact that a slovenly lifestyle is a health hazard, not merely just an embarrassment for students.

In the brief time I spend in living quarters such as the one described, I find myself fighting the urge to clean.

It may sound strange, but I can get physically uneasy in cluttered and disorganized living spaces. This apprehension toward filth could be likened to claustrophobia.

A messy room is not simply bad for one’s physical health. I am a firm believer in the notion that the way a person maintains his or her living space reflects how his or her mind works.

If people can be oblivious to their disgusting living conditions, they may be oblivious to any number of mental disorders presently at work in their minds.

Students need to take responsibility and clean their living spaces until they are actually clean once and for all – even if it takes several hours.

I don’t care if a student is taking more than 15 credit hours and has two jobs, there is no excuse for the abominations I have seen in my college years.

Following this massive overhaul on one’s living area, daily maintenance must be practiced. This is as simple as putting trash in a trash can and dirty clothes in a hamper.

I guarantee students’ physical and mental health will improve – as well as their reputations – if they simply take the responsibility of picking up after themselves.