Making the grade

Simpson’s current system of evaluating its professors is not complete. As students invested in our educations, not only financially but as a means to help us achieve in the future, we should have a substantial and participatory role in grading our professors. Filling out a Scantron isn’t enough. Neither is scratching a few comments hoping the professor, one you may have again, won’t recognize your handwriting. Furthermore, most professors forget about the evaluations until the very dregs of class forcing students to complete them in a rush. This mad dash causes most of us to sacrifice thoroughness just to make it to our next class on time.

However, we realize that regardless of when the evaluations are given, some students won’t take them as seriously as they should. Therefore, we suggest three improvements upon the current system, one for students, one for professors and one for the administration.

Students – take these evaluations seriously, even if you have to be late to class or lunch. Be honest, cut letters out of a magazine kidnapper-style if it means you can write honest comments about your professor’s performance.

Professors – give us time to complete evaluations. The more thorough we are the more you can see how you relate to your students; it’s a win-win.

Administration – randomly select several students from each class, contact them and ask for any and all comments they have about the professor and his or her teaching. Guarantee these students anonymity to ensure honesty.

Maybe once these suggestions, or other effective changes, are enacted a balance can be found between the students’ and administration’s ideas of what makes a good professor.