Our View

by Editors

Simpson definitely has its share of distinguished professors. They’ve written books, conducted experiments and directed performances. They’ve traveled all over the world, spreading knowledge about their fields and about Simpson.

It seems like some of them have been here forever.

Simpson is lucky that so many of its professors stick around for the long haul. Some professors have been teaching at Simpson since they graduated from college.

There’s just something about the college that makes them want to stay.

Even the ones who have retired continue to play an important role at Simpson. Joe Walt, professor emeritus of history, is retired but continues to teach classes and lecture at functions.

Some retired professors still come to Simpson every day to use the library or other resources.

They’ve been using the resources for so long, so why stop now?

Other professors could’ve retired years ago, but they’re still here, imparting their knowledge to Simpson students and fellow professors. Instead of taking it easy in retirement, they choose to remain teaching at Simpson.

Even though they’re getting older, they’re still active in keeping up with the current trends in education. Professor of Chemistry Cliff Meints is one of the professors who started the new forensic science and biochemistry major.

Professor of Music Robert Larsen has done many things in his nearly 50 years as a distinguished Simpson professor, such as starting the Madrigal singers.

There’s so much we could learn from these professors. Many of them are considered experts in their field. They definitely know what they’re talking about.

Simpson just wouldn’t be the same without these professors who have been here for what we might think of as forever, but the college would have a completely different look if they hadn’t had the dedication to stay for 149 years between the three of them.