A day in the life of Blair Stairs


by Blair BoydStaff Writer

Blair Stairs, general manager of food operations, is a busy guy. Besides overseeing Pfeiffer Dining Hall, Pfeiffer Express, the Storm Street Grill, Storm Express and catering, he’s responsible for marketing, staffing and all financial aspects of the food operations for Simpson. Managers and supervisors assist Stairs in the day-to-day aspects of these operations. Not only is Stairs in charge of food operations for the week, but he also personally serves the “midnight breakfasts” on Fridays and Saturdays.

Stairs doesn’t hold a regular 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. job. There are times that he has been on campus from 6 a.m. until 2 a.m. the following morning. Here’s a rundown of just how busy a typical day is in the life of Blair Stairs.

6:40 a.m. – Change signs in Pfeiffer Dining Hall for upcoming promotions

7:15 – Check on breakfast, read e-mails, check “to do” list and prepare for meetings

8:20 – Touch base with the supervisor of the Strom Street Grill

10:00 – Check on production in Pfeiffer

10:15-10:50 – Meeting

11:00-11:30 – Meeting

11:40 – Assist in Pfeiffer for lunch wherever needed

12:30 p.m. – Take visitor to see Storm Street Grill

1:00-2:00 – Luncheon meeting in Pfeiffer

2:15 – Another meeting

3:00 – Check on dinner production and make phone calls

5:00 – Assist in Pfeiffer for dinner wherever needed

5:50 – Check on catered dinners in Matthew Simpson Room and Dirlam Lounge

6:30 – Check and respond to e-mails

7:50 – Touch base with night supervisor at the Storm Street Grill

8:00 – Goes home