Simpson College Sexual Abuse/Assault/Exploitation Policy

Sexual Abuse

“Sexual abuse is defined in Chapter 709.1 of the Iowa Criminal Code. The crime includes sexual contact done by force, by the threat of force or against the will of the victim. Also included is sexual contact while the victim is under the influence of a drug-induced sleep, unconsciousness or lacks the mental capacity to make a rational decision. It is not necessary for the victim to have physically resisted in order to establish than an act of sexual abuse was committed.”

Effective Consent

“Effective consent is informed, freely and actively given, mutually understandable words or actions which indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. Consent is not effective if it results from the use of physical force, threats, intimidation or coercion.”

Consent may never be given by: A minor to an adult, mentally disable persons or physically incapacitated persons (including as a result of alcohol or drug consumption).

Simpson College follows these principles regarding sexual assault:

“1. Every report of sexual abuse/assault/exploitation will be taken serious and action will be taken as appropriate. Students who are victims of sexual abuse/assault/exploitation have the option of notifying campus security and/or the Indianola Police Department. College officials will assist students in contacting the above departments.

2. Supporting the person who has been sexual abused/assaulted/exploited is of primary consideration, as are exploring options and protecting the individual’s rights. The individual has a right to confidentiality and to determine what options to pursue.

3. The college will do everything possible to provide a climate that is sensitive to and respectful and supportive of individual needs.

4. The student will be free from any suggestion that she/he is responsible or was ‘contributorily negligent’ or assumed the risk of being sexually abused/assaulted/exploited.

5. The student will have access to existing campus counseling and support services.

6. The student will have the right to live in campus housing free of sexually intimidating circumstances.”