He said…She said

He said...She said

I have a good friend. His family is pretty well off, but he chooses to steal things. I’ve seen him do it, too. He also is the friend who will say, “I only have a 20 and don’t want to break it. I’ll pay for you next time,” but next time never comes. He has been my good friend for a long time, but it’s gotten to the point where I think we’ve become different people with different morals. What do you think I should do about him?

-Concerned and Confused Friend

I say you sit the kid down and ask him why he keeps being ridiculous. Honestly, why steal stuff when your parents will probably just pay for it? Personally, I think jail sucks and that’s where you’ll both be if you get caught stealing. And if you were wondering, I know some people who have been to jail so that’s how I know. The orange jump suits are ugly and the food is bad.

That’s two strikes, here’s the third-how about jail looks bad on your record…hmmm?

When he asks for money next time, tell him to get serious. If you go out to eat, make sure he has money with him and just be like, “Dude, you never pay. How about you take a turn and pay for me?” Even better would be if you accidentally forgot your money. He would be up shit creek for sure, and you would probably catch him off guard.

As for your morals, stop pressing them on other people. If you’re going to make this some huge religious deal, take all of my advice, throw it out the window and take a good look at yourself. People who impose their beliefs on others need to realize the world doesn’t revolve around them. You don’t want to be that person. You know, the one who everyone hates because every time something happens you feel the need to share how you feel about it and why it’s wrong.

I guess next time you are with him and he steals something, you could call him out in the middle of the act. Just be like, dude, are you going to pay for that? There are ways to let him know with out being a jerk about it. A true friend would be more concerned with the fact that there is probably something bigger going on in his life. I think it’s time for an intervention.

-Zachary Robert Rus

One of the hardest parts of growing up is we sometimes grow apart from our friends. It seems to me that you used to brush off your friend’s actions, but now you’re having a moral dilemma with them. I’ve heard of people doing this. I’ve had it explained to me that it’s not about the money, but rather the thrill.

I don’t think you can ever condone stealing. However, when a person steals because they otherwise wouldn’t have dinner, we can sympathize. I’ve written this in several other columns, but I believe this applies to your situation as well – talk with your friend. If your friend knows you don’t think this is cool, perhaps that will stop his habit.

The worst part about your situation is that your friend is not only stealing from others, but you as well. When he says he’ll pay you back or cover the bill next time but never does, that’s stealing. Why does your friend not have respect for other people? It’s a hard situation he has put you in-stay friends with him and sacrifice your morals or stop being friends and lose a childhood companion.

Along with addressing his problems of thrill stealing, quit covering the bill for him. This problem is not only your friend, but you as well. If you know the day he pays you back will never come, say no when he asks. It’s silly to keep covering the bill. If he says he has a 20, say, “Great, so you can cover me too because you owe me!”

I can’t tell you to drop your friend-the choice can only be made by you. However, if you’re with your friend when he’s stealing and he gets caught, you too could get into trouble. So you’ll have to ask yourself, what is this friendship worth to you?

-Ashley Van Alstine