Junior Josie Rundlett, a political science and history major, was recently featured in the fashion magazine “Glamour,” with two of her blogs posted in “Glamocracy,” a section devoted to politics.
The “Glamocracy” section featured women with political views on the political spectrum. One of Rundlett’s blogs dealt with religion, titled “Will my religion determine my choice? Don’t count on it!” Her other blog was about the political campaign, where she polled her girlfriends to see who they were voting for in the caucus. It was called, “The Girlfriend Survey shows some Hucka-love.”
Since Josie was a young girl, she has been involved with politics. When she was only 13, she became involved by helping her sister with the 2000 campaign.
As a high school student, Josie worked at the Capital as a page during her junior and senior year. She believes that paging at the Capital is what first introduced her to Iowa legislature.
Josie also clerks for a state representative in Mason City and has completed numerous politically-based internships including one for Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA). During her internship for Sen. Grassley in Washington, D.C., she stayed with the Capitol Hill Internship Program, where she was able to gain more political exposure and insight into the caucuses.
While in Washington, D.C., Rundlett was surprised to find how foreign Iowa is those in that area.
“A lot of people don’t even know where Iowa is,” Rundlett said.
With all of Josie’s experience with caucuses and campaigning, it’s not hard to believe she has become a political blogger.
Student Ambassador Tiffany Hummel was Josie’s admissions counselor when she first entered Simpson. Even at the time, Hummel knew that Josie would go on to do great things.
“So many colleges get negative attention, it’s always nice to see something positive out there,” Hummel said. “Josie represented Simpson well and she’s educated about the issues.”
John Epperson, professor of political science, has had Josie in several of his classes. He is also proud to have Josie representing Simpson.
“Any time you have students or faculty getting local or national attention, it’s a positive thing,” Epperson said.
Rundlett is not your typical politician. Being a young conservative woman, she is able to bring a new and different perspective to the table of politics.
“A lot of young women aren’t conservative,” Rundlett said.
One day Rundlett hopes she will be able to move back to Washington, D.C., and continue her work in politics and campaigning, though she would rather live there a few years for one specific reason.
“[It’s] not a very good place to raise a family,” Rundlett said. “When I have children, I would like to move back to the Midwest since D.C is mainly full of young, busy workers and not exactly a family-oriented place.”