Library undergoes changes, updates

Library undergoes changes, updates

by Zach JamesStaff Writer

Dunn Library has been going through a series of changes and updates in order to better cater to students needs. Students have been filling out a survey online throughout October and the first half of November concerning what changes they would want to see during the final weeks of this semester and in the spring. Library officials say they are doing their best to address those proposed changes.

“We’ve been listening to what students have had to say,” head librarian Cyd Dyer said. “If we don’t provide what [they] want, the students will go somewhere else. We want them to have the best at Simpson.”

Simpson students, faculty and staff have filled out the LibQual Survey over the past month. In all, 527 people participated in the survey, which gave them the chance to express their opinions about noise control, opening times, librarian services and other miscellaneous items.

“The program’s centerpiece is a rigorously tested Web-based survey that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organizational culture and market the library,” Dyer said.

Freshman Sarah Engstrom participated in the survey and said she uses the library on a regular basis.

“The library is a good resource, and I believe students are taking full advantage of it,” Engstrom said.

One of the most popular responses in the survey dealt with the lack of vending machines in the library.

New vending machines came in recently, and now there are two of them located in Dunn. Costs come down to nothing since Simpson agreed to give the earnings to the vending company.

“We felt from the surveys the demand for the vending machines was hard to ignore,” sophomore Janine Kobylinski, a Student Government Association senator, said.

Other changes include adding more outlets throughout the building to accommodate laptops and other electronics and more tables on the first floor.

One popular topic of the survey was how early the library was open each morning. The library opens at 7:30 a.m., a time Dyer said is helpful for students with early classes.

“Students came to me late last year and wanted an earlier time so they could come in before their 8:00 classes,” Dyer said. “There have been students who have been at the doors at 7:30 waiting to work.”

Engstrom believes the library should also be open later, in order to accommodate even more students

“I wish they were open later on Fridays and Saturdays for those of us who have to do research papers or have to study,” Engstrom said. “I prefer studying at night. I am experiencing that problem right now because I have three research papers that have to get done this month. I want to get some more books on a Friday or a Saturday night, but I can’t.”

The library is also getting interactive as well. The “Ask a Librarian” is available online for those who are shy or just plain busy.

Facebook will also play a role in the future as well with a fan site for Dunn Library currently in construction.