SAFE system notifies fo delays, cancellations

Simpson canceled classes last Wednesday after ice from a recent winter storm turned campus and much of Iowa into a giant skating rink.But many students missed the memo. When classes are delayed or canceled, Jim Thorius, vice president of Student Development and dean of students notifies all students, faculty and even some parents through the school’s SAFE (Simpson Alert for Emergency) Alert system. Thorius said that despite sending out messages early Wednesday morning, first to postpone classes and later announcing that the school was closed, some students were still unaware that classes were canceled. “I had reports from professors that students were e-mailing and sending them text messages wondering if they were having class,” Thorius said.Students can receive alerts from the SAFE system in several ways, including e-mail, landline phone and cell phone via call or text message. The system was implemented in 2008 as a way to notify members of the Simpson community in emergency situations or in the case of delays and cancellations.All students are automatically signed up to receive e-mail notifications, but in order to receive text messages or phone calls they must provide a number. Thorius said it’s important for students who want to receive the alerts to make sure that their contact information is current.Simpson has already delayed or cancelled classes three times this school year, up from recent years. With several weeks of winter still remaining, more bad weather could be on the way.Students should sign up for the alerts because it’s the responsible thing to do, Thorius said. “The college is trying to do what it can to provide emergency information when situations arise. It seems to me a responsible action to take advantage of this information.”To update your contact information to receive cancellation alerts via text message, log into your Stormfront account. On the My Stormfront page, click on General Information and Emergency Alert Information. For more information on Simpson’s emergency alert system, visit