Kelsey’s View

It’s like your mother always told you – honesty is the best policy.

Do you remember that time in grade school when your brother or sister really made you angry, and as much as you tried you couldn’t resist, your hand made a fist, your arm went back and wham, you hit your sibling?

Your sibling went and told your mother who proceeded to walk toward you, and asked you the inevitable question, “Did you hit your sibling?”Then you did it. You lied.


Your punishment was worse than what it would have been if you had just told the truth. Telling a lie is not condoned by your parents, your family or by society. You should never lie.

Some things you should never forget, but a little reminder wouldn’t hurt any of us.

Lying hurts those around you, those you work with and the people who once respected you.

The only thing you have in this world is your reputation and your word. And what kind of shape is your reputation in if your word is bad?

All the same rules apply in the real world as they do in grade school. You should not cut in line and you should not lie, cheat or steal.

Thirty-year-old Suzy Q. will be just as hurt by a lie as 5-year-old Suzy Q. Relationships with co-workers, friends and significant others will always be altered by lies. It is something that one should not want to risk.

Little white lies, fibs and bold face lies are different in their own respects, but one has to ask themselves of the consequences; who will you hurt and how will it effect you and others around you?

When someone you trust comes to you and asks a favor of you, and you put your faith in that person that what they say will happen will happen, it’s hurtful and destructive when it doesn’t happen.

Just listen to your mother’s words, don’t tell a lie, you’ll be much better off.

                                                                                                    —-Kelsey Knutson/Perspectives