Letter to the editor:

Affirmative action in college admission has been an ongoing debate for quite some time. Some would argue that affirmative action prohibits deserving students from enrolling into college or university in which they would have otherwise been accepted. They may also believe that it takes away the equality of admissions in college. However, others state that diversity is a way to enhance the learning of college students.

Diversity is a must in an enriched learning community. Diversity amongst the students opens the door for greater learning experiences in and out of the classroom. Diversity offers a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures. I would argue that admitting students to colleges and universities based solely on race or gender actually hinders learning communities. The only way to create an organic diverse learning community is to invite all people to apply and then be accepted based on merit.

It is true that the cost of secondary education is a primary deciding factor for many students and their families. Currently, many institutions offer scholarship programs for protected social groups. I find this unfair and unnecessary. Again, diversity is a must on learning community. However, scholarship programs should be based only on merit and need. Gender and race should not be a factor whether one should or should not get aid for their education. Offering more scholarship programs to all will allow for a more people to be able to afford college. This will increase diversity on college and university campuses.

To make college admissions fairer and increase diversity on campuses, administration needs to have a more all-encompassing approach to advertising the school and have more scholarship programs inclusive to all. This approach will encourage more prospective student from all races, genders and economic statuses to apply. After applications have been received the admissions department should choose students based on merit and extracurricular activities. Then and only then a true diverse learning community be created.

-Junior Kristy Prescott